Friday 17 October 2014

Today's thoughts + more videos from International Dancing Championships 2014!

Hi Guys,

It came to my attention that Nino Langella & Kristina Moshenskaya split!

If any of you doesn't know this Professional Latin couple - they dance in WDSF federation and last time they performed it was in Ostrava on the 5th of October 2014 where they received the World Champions title!

It is extremely shocking news, even more knowing and watching dance news and hearing that so many great couples are splitting right now...

Shocking but understandable... The thing is that when you are dancing and competing with your partner nationally and internationally you don't really have a private life. You are always on the road. That is why, you very often get close with your partner, sometimes you have this feeling of settling down or simply just get tired of each other as every day you spend hours together to one day be called Champions!

Sad facts but so real. Many of you see only great couples smiling and performing in their shiny and perfectly tailored costumes, but there is much more to it then that.

Coming back to Nino & Kristina, they have post really nice note to all their fans informing of their's decision:

''Hello everybody
We have something to tell to all of you...
After 5 years we are not dancing together anymore. It was great partnerships for both of us and we will never forget this great experience
We are thankful for everybody who were with us in all moments of our career.
We both plan to continue our dancing in other partnerships.
We hug you all
Thanks for understanding''

-Nino and Kristina

More about this couple you can see in the link below and very soon also on my page 'Name & Face' on this blog: 

Or from their official Facebook fan page: 

For all of us, fans of Nino & Kristina I am sharing this video from Brno Open 2013:

Finishing this note I would like to wish best of luck to Nino and Kristina and also to all of great couples who split recently! 

AND NOW... I have some more videos from International Dancing Championships for you guys! :D

Professional and Amateur Semi Finals and next time I will post everything I have from the Finals.

I hope you will enjoy it! :)

1. Professional Ballroom division semi final Tango:

 2. Professional Ballroom division semi final QuickStep:

3. Professional Latin division semi final Cha Cha with this year winners Michal Malitowski & Joanna Leunis:

4. Professional Latin division semi final Rumba with this year winners Michal Malitowski & Joanna Leunis:

That's all for today :) See you soon!

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Adrian :D

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