Friday 3 October 2014

International Ballroom Dancing Championship 2014 in London - Update

Hello Again,

I hope you are all well.

I have for you a quick update regarding to International Ballroom Dancing Championship next week in the UK :)

Below, you can find a picture with full program of the event, including qualifications in Brentwood on Tuesday and Wednesday - 7th and 8th of October 2014.

If you do not compete in this year event you can always join dancers and fans at Royal Albert Hall in London for the Grand Final on the 9th of October at 5:45pm.

There are still tickets available and you can find them under the link below:

It all looks super delightful!

I really hope that very soon I also will be able to participate and compete on such amazing events. My search for a dance partner getting better and I am not stopping with my training, so I am full of optimism!

As I have my technique classes tomorrow I was thinking that it would be great to write sth about coaches and schools around London... I guess, I will get to it soon! :D

If you have any questions regarding to dance, classes, coaches, prices here in London please, write a comment and ask... I will get back to you, hopefully answering to all of your queries! lol :P

Share and comment!

See you soon!

Adrian :D

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