Sunday 12 October 2014

The London Ball in London 2014

Hi Hi Hello,

I hope you are all well and enjoying every day to the fullest.

There is so much going on in London right now, that is simply impossible to do not smile :D

Last night there was incredible The London Ball - Freedom to Dance competition and like last year was just after International Ballroom Dancing Chmapionships and based at Intercontinental Hotel in Mayfair, London.

This event is organized by very special people to the dance society worldwide - Hans Galke, Andrew Sinkinson, Bryan Watson & Carmen. Who by this competition try to promote amazing values for each dancer, dance federation and every judge: FREEDOM, INDEPENDENCE, LIBERTY, DEMOCRACY.

The festival is beautifully done, with seat down meal, live orchiestra and with close up view on the dance floor where from very close you can watch all the couples competing.

Link below will give you a bit better understanding of this what the London Ball is about:

I am still waiting for the results of last night's show, so as soon I have them you will have them too :)

And here is sth for the soul... a promo video made for The London Ball- Freedom to Dance 2014:

Closing this post I have just few pictures from last night's competition, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Ricardo Cocchi & Yulia Zagoruychenko
Andrei Skufca & Melinda
Yulia Zagoruychenko
Velentin Voronov & Alina Imrekova

So, that is all I have for you... for now of course :P

See you soon!


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