Friday, 10 October 2014

International Ballroom Dancing Championships in London 2014 - Results!

Hello Everyone,

New day! Day after big dance event here in London!

Before I post some videos on my blog, as I want to post them on youtube first, I have last night's results for you!

So, here it goes...

International Championships - Amatuer Ballroom category:

1. Marek Kosaty & Paulina Glazik - Poland
2. Dusan Dragovic & Greta Laurinaityte - England
3. Chong He & Jing Shan - China
4. Sergiu Rusu & Dorota Makar - Poland
5. Andrzej Sadecki & Karina Nawrot - Poland
6. Lukasz Tomczak & Aleksandra Jurczak - Poland.

International Championships - Amatuer Latin category:

1. Troles Bagar & Ina Ivanova Jeliazkova - Denmark
2. Kirill Belorukov & Elvira Skrylnikova - Russia
3. Ferdinando Iannaccone & Yulia Musikhina - USA
4. Nikita Brovko & Olga Urumova - Russia
5. Morten Lowe & Roselina Doneva - Denmark
6. Klemen Prasnikar & Alexandra AVERKIEVA - Slovenia

International Championships - Professional Ballroom category:

1. Arunas Bizokas & Katusha Demidova - USA
2. Victor Fung & Anastasia Muavyova - USA
3. Domen Krapez & Monica Nigro - Slovenia
4. Valerio Colantoni & Yulia Spesivtseva - Russia
5. Chao Yang & Yiling Tan - China
6. Aleksandr Zhiratkov & Irina Novozhilova - Russia

International Championships - Professional Latin category:

1. Michal Malitowski & Jonna Leunis - England
2. Riccardo Cocchi & Yulia Zagoruychenko - USA
3. Maurizio Vescovo & Andra Vaidilaite - Canada
4. Andrej Skufca & Melinda Torokgyorgy - Slovenia
5. Stefano Di Filippo & Daria Chesnokova - USA
6. Jurij Batagelj & Jagoda Batagelj - Slovenia

Those are the results of last night's finals!

As you can see Poland was on top last night. In Ballroom Amatuer 4 out of 6 couples were Polish and winners are also Polish! Great results!

And of course I can not forget about Michal and Joanna who won there another Champions title in Professional devision!

In this link below you can see all of the results from qualifications in Brentwood to a Grand Final in London:

And one more thing... Next time I write sth in here will include some videos from last night - 100% :D

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