Sunday 16 November 2014

Dutch Open 2014 - Assen

Hello from a rainy London,

This week was incredible important and also memorable for all dancers from around the world... we all were following Dutch Open 2014 taking place in Assen, Holland from 10th to the 16th of November!

And that's a promo clip from this year event:

From what I hear and see online it was truly unforgettable experience for everyone who had a pleasure to be there!

Dutch Open has 2 parts - Dance Camp and main Competition host for 4 days!

Dance Camp:

It is and amazing workshop were you have rare opportunity to be thought by best dancers in the world.

And here I have few pictures from this year camp with Riccardo & Yulia and also Donnie Burns current President of WDC (World Dance Coucil).

Also I have found some videos on YouTube, great to watch and also it gives a better understanding of the camp itself.

Riccardo Cocchi & Yulia Zagoruychenko:
 Slavik Kryklyvyy & Ekaterina Lapaeva: 
This year tournaments were massive. There were couples from 43 countries from around the globe. Dancers were competing for 4 days in various of categories: Junior, Juvenile, Youth, Pro-Amatuer, Raising Stars, Senior, Professional and Show Dance. 
Link below will direct you to an offcial website of Dutch Open 2014 were you will see all of the programms, dates, rankings, dance camp, etc:
I am going to very shortly conclude the results of Latin Professional division only:
Riccardo Cocchi & Yulia Zagoruychenko

Maurizio Vescovo & Andra Vaidilaite

Andrej Skufca & Melinda

Evgeny Smagin & Polina Kazachenko

Jurij & Jagoda Batagelj

Neil & Ekaterina Jones

Marek & Kinga Fiksa               
Full results you can see in the link below:
I am so happy that there were Polish couple so high in the final ranking - 7th place for Marek Fiksa & Kinga Jurecka-Fiksa (Professional Latin) and on top of all that they were 3rd in Show Dance category! Amazing achievements!!!
And here is Marek & Kinga in their final performance:

That would be all from Dutch Open 2014 :)

For me, myself and I last week was a week of reflection... One of the things I had on my mind were my parents. And it just happened that I found this video of Riccardo & Yulia performing Rumba to this song. To this specific song to which my parents met for the first time, danced together for the first time and from which my journey called life has began... <3 - Breathless performance:

Ok, so that would be all for today... See you soon!

Keep calm & DANCE!



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