Saturday 13 December 2014

Today's Thoughts and Latin Dancing :D

Hello Guys,

Hmmm.... I don't really have much to say about dancing today. I am very busy for the past some time, have loads on my mind and try to go visit Poland as soon as possible. So, honestly I am somewhere else entirely.

My mind is surrounded by my personal problems... I was thinking, am I a bad guy? I know I am straight forward kind of guy maybe even too straight forward, I am also impatient, critical and demanding. But still does it make me bad? Don't I have any good qualities... Everyone does, so I do have some! I am not bad... I honestly have to stop think that... It is not helping! :D

I am writing this stuff as I put myslef in a difficult situation, socially and personally. I thought I have met someone GREAT, but then realized that even if someone is great doesn't necessary gotta be my kind of great. That this is not really my type of a relation, type of a relation I am looking for.

Long story short, before I realized it, it was too late. Now I am stucked and living this nightmare I made for myself. I know I gotta be strong, wait it till passes and then carry on with my life, but still today it is not a happy day! lift my spirit I am going to repeat an incredible Marilyn Monroe:

I just love this women!

Days like this I like to spend on dancing. Dance and music always make everything better!

So, let's watch some amazing dancers together, let's smile... forget everything even if only for 5 mins :)

Riccardo & Yulia performing Jive:

Stefano Di Fillipo & Dasha dancing Samba:

Michal Malitowski & Joanna Leunis playing with Cha Cha:

Ok, I am going sleep... Thanks guys for 'listening' ahahah... honestly writing to you works better then any therapy I ever heard about! :D

See you soon!

Keep Calm & DANCE!

Adrian :)

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