Saturday 27 December 2014

My Christmas... My Christmas Gift... And Stupid Cupid! :D

Hello Lovely People,

I hope you are all well.

Our First Xmas - Strolling through Christmasy London

I am so sorry I didn't write to you for so long. I was closed up in my problems, felt like not myself for a while... And then funny thing happened, just when I was about to give up and started feeling sorry for myself... I've met someone.

I guess it's true what they say, that sth special comes along when you don't look for it. Feeling happy, full of joy and hope again lifted my spirits up. I was never big on Christmas, always thought that is too commercial. But this year I could not celebrate it, after all this new person in my life is a Christmas gift! So, it happened I made Christmas this year, good food, good wine, candles, Christmas music and us... It was the best Christmas yet!

Even that I still try to solve all of my problems I am feeling happy and have some strange believe that I can make it, that from now long everything is going to be just great! It was on Stupid Cupid out there somewhere... ahaha... but yes, I think I couldn't be more happier right now... :D

Our First Xmas - Xmas table, romantic style :D

So even that Christmas is over now and we all are waiting for the New Year I am still kind a in that mood and I have just seen coolest Christmas lights yet! Just check it out:

And this Christmas display is to 'Let It Go' song... :)

Ok... now few words about my dancing cuz after all this blog is about dance, love for the sport and for the art of dance itself...

I am not dancing that much right now, my practises are shorter as my dance partner went to to visit her family for Christmas. We are going to be back on truck from the 4th of January next year. Till then we are practising separately.

As you already know, from time to time I like to say 'See you soon' by a dance video. Video I made or found on the web, video I simply like, video which reminds me of sth or giving an inspiration... Today I am going to post 2 videos, both to 'Let It Go' song which is so Christmas and winter like but so joyful in the same time :)

So get ready for a light dance and contemporary routine from 'Dancing With The Stars' TV show:

I hope you all have had a great Christms with your friends and families...

I will see you soon.

Keep Calm & DANCE!

Adrian :)

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