Saturday 27 September 2014

International Ballroom Dancing Championships - London 2014!

Hmmm... I may not be very good blogger as I thought.

Think is, I didn't really know what to write about. My progress in dance are rather boring lately. I am still searching for a dance partner :/

However, some of you may know that there is a huge comp coming up in London - International Ballrooom Dancing Championships 2014 in London at Royal Albert Hall. It is truly big dance event easly compareble with worldwide known Blackpool Dance Festival in Blackpool, UK.

Btw, I am including here a link to this year event, where you can buy tickets or see the program. The whole thing starts at 5:45pm on the 9th of October 2014. It is surly not to be missed!

And as I am thinking of going and watching those great couples competing in Champion and Professional Latin and Ballroom category, I am doing some catching up on last year competition.

So, if you whish to pay you can watch last year comp on DSI London. I have chosen easier way and opened YouTube. I have here some highlights of last year event for you:

Biggest smile on my face - 1st place in Pro Latin category for Michal Malitowski (also Polish) and Joanna Leunis!

That's why I have another video for you. This time of Michal and Joanna only, performing there honour dance after receiving the title:

Personally I love there Rumba routine... So emotional, and so hard in executing as everything is based on soft and strong body action - motion but still in typical for Rumba softness - amazing to watch! :D

I have just one more thing for you before I go... Very soon I will open another page included in my blog called - 'Name & Face'. As I am also writing about other dancers it is only fair if we all know who we are talking about! So, soon on that page you will be able to see short notes about their life: who they are, what they have achived or where they are from, etc...

I hope you will like it! :)

Comment and share - See you soon!


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